Climate Safe Homes supports people with chronic health issues to live in a healthier, more energy efficient home that's warmer in winter and cooler in summer. It can also help lower energy bills, make your home more comfortable and keep greenhouse gas emissions down.
If you are eligible and receive a place in the program, we will:
assess your energy upgrade needs, check you are eligible to participate in this program and identify the energy upgrades that are suitable for you and your home, and
where appropriate, provide a subsidy for an upgrade, which may include efficient heating, cooling, rooftop solar or ceiling insulation.
Filling out this Expression of Interest form does not guarantee a place in the program and people who submit one are free to opt out before starting the program.
All program participants will need to meet the eligibility requirements. We are also seeking a diverse representation of households and will select participants based on a variety of factors including: geographic location, number and age of people in your home, types of health conditions, type of dwelling and types of upgrades needed.
If you are not eligible for this program we may alert you to other programs, which may be suitable for you.
We will use the information we collect to help assess your eligibility and the best options for your home. Please complete this form in as much detail as possible.
If you need an interpreter or any help to fill out this form, please call 91125398 or email
The Brotherhood of St Laurence (BSL) is collecting this information, via Snapforms, to assess your eligibility, to enable project delivery and to acquit the program. It will be stored securely in accordance with our privacy policy available at: . If you need to change any details or would like more information, contact us directly at E: or 91125398